Jason Preston

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Jason is a native Utahn, successful entrepreneur, husband, father of two, and a patriot. He was born and raised in Orem, Utah. Jason learned firsthand about the power of the individual, through his hard work but also through his mistakes. Jason struggled as a kid being raised in a broken home, but through his faith he pulled himself up by his bootstraps to serve a mission for his church, and then graduated from BYU with a degree in education. He enjoys spending time with his blended family with two daughters and wife Alexia, who alongside him, are three of the strongest patriots you’ll ever meet.

Jason’s not a typical candidate, but he loves our country, and is willing to fight for it. Jason has a conviction that it is only by each of us taking personal responsibility, putting our lives in order, protecting the family unit and fighting to restore the constitution that we can and will preserve our freedoms.

Jason loves learning about American history and political science, and is often found reading about economics, political philosophy and our Founding Fathers. A diehard constitutional conservative, Jason plans to get Utah back to our individualist, limited government roots. Preston is in the process of finishing his first book that is expected to be released early 2022.

He believes in what this country was founded upon; that there is a God, that everyone has the seeds of divinity, and that Government was created to serve man. These three truths will never change, and they are still worth fighting for.

Everyday Americans are what makes this country great. Jason believes in the American ideal to continue to unleash the power of the individual. He knows we are each capable of so much more when we recognize the source of our freedoms. Jason knows that a new generation will be blessed by the opportunities in America only if we stand up now.

Jason knows what’s at stake here in Utah. This is not a time to be complacent. We need leadership. Together, we can pushback against the encroachment of systems and beliefs that are putting our families at risk. Utah is not immune to the issues plaguing other states. We must return to our limited government roots.

As a constitutional conservative, Jason will fight for the middle class and for Utah’s families to preserve their liberty.