“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”  –Thomas Jefferson

Welcome to your Restore Liberty Wyoming page. This page will provide one location for various and important information about the political and cultural things going on in your state. Visit this page often.  If you have not already done so, please visit the Consent Declaration and join the many who have already signed the petition by reviewing it in advance. You may also Affirm Your Oath to America through the Get Involved tab. Of course, we hope that you find this page helpful.

Something About Me

Don Odom

I am proud to be a conservative since the age of 18 when I cast my first vote for Ronald Reagan in 1980.
I got more involved politically in 2009 with a 912 Project/Tea Party group called the Wiregrass Patriots which grew to over 200 members. I was elected Chairman and served for 2 years before stepping down in 2012.
I moved to Wyoming in 2017 after coming here to work in 2014 and falling in love with the state. I am an oilfield truckdriver that enjoys hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, history nerding, and politics.
I ran for the Wyoming State Legislature in 2022 and lost with 24% of the vote with almost no money as an unknown. I am currently serving as a Precinct Committeeman in the Laramie County Republican Party and as a Board Member/Co-Founder of local grassroots group Conservative Coalition 307. 
Through these endeavors, I have met people from all over the state and look forward to building a state network for RL.

State Successes

The state legislature recently passed a law to stop crossover voting which was being done by Democrats to influence the Republican primary races. 
A Constitutional Secretary of State was elected and he has shown a willingness to take heat from his own party to do what’s right.

State Challenges

Many of the Republican super majority in the legislature claim to be conservatives that uphold the Constitution, but their voting records indicate otherwise. 
Finding challengers that will follow the Restore Liberty philosophy and uphold the Constitution will be a priority.
Educating the voters that focus on the party, but not the actual adherence to the Constitution is an even larger battle to be won.