“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”  –Thomas Jefferson

Welcome to your Restore Liberty Texas page. This page will provide one location for various and important information about the political and cultural things going on in your state. Visit this page often.  If you have not already done so, please visit the Consent Declaration and join the many who have already signed the petition by reviewing it in advance. You may also Affirm Your Oath to America through the Get Involved tab. Of course, we hope that you find this page helpful.

Something About Me

Laura Pritchett

Laura is a proud Christian, faithful wife and devoted mother who is active in her church and community. Her love for God and people is the essence of her unwavering faith and traditional family values. Laura is a faithful conservative who is passionate about preserving our Constitutional rights in this generation and the ones to follow.

During Laura’s more than 25 years in business, she has been widely recognized as an industry influencer due to her strong leadership, knowledge and collaborative approach to problem solving. She and her husband are also co-owners of a small, thriving insurance business.

Laura is the daughter of a retired Lt. Colonel, who served 24 years in the U.S. Air Force and granddaughter of Richard E. Forkner who served eight years as a Republican State Senator in North Dakota. Laura’s family history of selfless public servants greatly influenced her desire to continue a sustainable legacy not only for her family but for many families for generations to come.

Laura earned a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in International Studies with a concentration in Political Science and completed coursework in the Masters of International Management (M.I.M.) program, both at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, Minnesota.

From her time studying abroad and having extensive international travel, Laura gained a worldview that uniquely positions her to easily evaluate governing systems and organizational platforms. 

Laura honors her family legacy of community service by facilitating grassroots bi-partisan solutions issues at the local, state and national levels. She was recently elected to serve as Trustee for Tarrant County College representing District 4 in Tarrant County. In addition, Laura serves as Tarrant County GOP Precinct Chair 4340 and is responsible for getting voters out to cast an informed vote for constitutionally aligned candidates and legislation.

At her home church, Laura serves as Committee Leader for Patriots in Faith, a non-partisan biblically centered resource ministry to help voters make informed decisions regarding candidates and the election process; and teach them how to get involved to serve as biblical patriots in their local communities. 
Laura is a Constitutional Coach, Patriot Academy, under Rick Green, facilitating constitutional truth, intended to fuel the desire for genuine freedom in this and future generations.
My Vision for Texas

What I Believe

Your state leader has taken the time to bring to attention various and important information about the political and cultural things going on in your state.  Visit this section often to see the latest news from the front line.  And if you have not already done so, visit the Consent Declaration page and join the many who have signed the petition by clicking here.

State Challenges

  • Redistricting

  • Ending Taxpayer Funded Lobbying

  • Gender Modification

  • Men in Women’s Sports

  • Election Audit

  • Internal House Quorum Rules, and penalties for breaking quorum

  • Abuse of Emergency Powers

  • Property Tax

State Successes

  • Heartbeat Bill – strongest pro-life bill in the nation, estimated to save 100-150 babies each day in Texas. Effectively ends abortion in Texas. Has drawn fierce attack from the left, including a lawsuit filed by the Church of Satan.

  • Constitutional Carry – Texas became the 21st state to pass an unlicensed firearm carry legislation. This battle took 12 years. Many grassroots lessons were learned (what not to do).

  • Election Integrity – a series of bills passed during regular session. Generated massive grassroots support during regular and special sessions. Very strong bill emerged from 2nd special session after TX House Democrats returned to satisfy quorum requirements.

  • Critical Race Theory – strong bill (HB 3979) passed during regular session. Strengthened bill passed during 2nd special session.

  • Religious Freedom – Constitutional amendment proposed that will prohibit any infringement on religious/faith institutions meeting (response to COVID fear mandated closures)

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